American Buddhist Songbook

Here you can find SHEET MUSIC, including melody, chords, & lyrics, as well as the 1992-1995 RECORDINGS of all 26 songs from my original American Buddhist Songbook. For SHEET MUSIC, either for the entire songbook, or for individual songs, click the “Download” buttons! For RECORDINGS, click on the YouTube links!

These Dharma-inspired songs, music & lyrics, are FREE for all to use. Feel free to experiment with tempo, mood, and instrumentation! HOWEVER, please do ask my permission to make any melody or lyrics changes, as these may affect the intended message of a song. Use my CONTACT page for this purpose, or to ask any questions or send comments!

If you wish to encourage me to devote time to further creative Dharma-inspired efforts, or simply thank me for whatever benefit this music may bring, please make a donation of any amount using either Venmo: @Nat-Needle OR CashApp: $Nathaniel Needle

Your gift is purely personal, you to me; it’s not to my business or any organization, so, if you can, kindly de-activate any Venmo or CashApp setting that would cause a fee to be deducted. Also note that your gracious gift is NOT tax-deductible. I will certainly acknowledge your gift if I receive your email address! BLESSINGS & BOWS to you!

MANY loving bows to Rachel Rynick for transcribing all the music, & to Asa Needle for setting up this webpage!

American Buddhist Songbook (complete)

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American Buddhist Songbook (by song in alphabetical order)

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Listen on YouTube

Listen on YouTube

Listen on Youtube

Listen on YouTube

Listen on YouTube

Listen on YouTube

Listen on Youtube

Listen on YouTube

Listen on Youtube

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